Jan 2016
Interviews with myself in the media
The protest of prostitutes in Amsterdam
The Jojanneke gate
Other articles mentioning me
Interviews with myself in the media
Besides writing on my blog about my experiences as a prostitute in Amsterdam's Red Light District, I also on occasion do interviews for various articles in the media to inform people about my job. Here's a list of articles that have been published in the media featuring myself:
English Media:
The Guardian: Amsterdam's sex workers: the unlikely victims of gentrification
Article featuring an interview with me about Amsterdam's Project 1012 to 'clean up' the Red Light District and the consequences for sex workers in the area.
The Nation: Should buying sex be illegal?
This article compares the Dutch prostitution model versus the Swedish prostitution, and features myself as a advocate to decriminalize prostitution and their clients and make sex work legal.
Online website:
CollegeTimes: Felicia Anna Humanizes The Life Of Sex Workers
In depth interview with website CollegeTimes, about my life as a prostitute in Amsterdam's Red Light District, informing people about the myths and misinformation about prostitution in Holland, and the situation prostitutes are in, giving some insight into the world behind the red lights.
Vice.com: Conservatives Are Angry That Dutch People Are Trading Driving Lessons for Sex
Interview with vice.com about the decision of Dutch parliament to allow driving instructors to accept sex in exchange for driving lessons.
The Amsterdam Diaries: Felicia Anna Interview
My first interview ever, about sex work in Amsterdam, and why I started my blog.
Dutch Media:
SBS6 - Hart van Nederland
News item with an interview with me about the occupation of window brothels in Amsterdam against the temporary closure of prostitution windows.
Het Parool: Amsterdam's Red Light District fears fight against all prostitution
This article is about the initiative of politicians to criminalize clients of prostitutes that visited forced prostitutes. In the article I give my opinion on this new initiative, and what the realities are in Amsterdam's Red Light District.
NRC Next: Happy Hooker
Article with myself about the wrong image of prostitution because of TV shows like 'Jojanneke in de Prostitutie', and how it comes that they register so many 'possible victims'.
de Volkskrant: Don't rescue us, give us rights
Article including myself, Roos Schippers en Hella Dee about sex workers' rights and the current problems of sex workers, how it's increasing human trafficking and how the law is not helping in this. Including an interesting overview of researches and estimations about coercion in prostitution.
(You can also read the article online for free on the website of Asha ten Broeke)
Metro - Prostitutes fight against municipality
An interview with myself and PROUD spokesperson Lyle Muns regarding the demonstration of prostitutes in Amsterdam's Red Light District against the closure of our workplaces behind the windows from the municipality of Amsterdam.
Volkskrant - Prostitutes protest against closure of windows in Red Light District
An article featuring myself, Spanish sex worker Deborah and Mariska Majoor chairwoman of PROUD, about the demonstration of prostitutes in Amsterdam's Red Light District against the closure of our workplaces behind the windows from the municipality of Amsterdam.
Online websites:
Polshoogte Magazine: Felicia Anna: "When I finish this work, I want to have a normal life"
In depth interview with me about my life as a prostitute in Amsterdam's Red Light District and my fight for more rights for sex workers.
Wij zijn de Wallen: “Prostituee zijn is voor mij de perfecte baan”
Interview about my experiences of working in the Red Light District in Amsterdam, and the misinformation regarding prostitution.
Romanian media:
Antena 1
Jurnalul National: EXCLUSIV. Viaţă de prostituată în oraşul XXX: “Cred că 30% dintre clienţii mei au parte, de fapt, de sex”
An exclusive in-depth interview about my experiences working in Amsterdam's Red Light District, mythbusting false information and explaining about the realities of prostiution in Holland.
Adevarul: Felicia Anna, prostituata româncă din Amsterdam care îşi apără colegele din Cartierul Roşu
A combination of my interview for The Nation with the interview I did for CollegeTimes, about the realities of working in Amsterdam's Red Light District as a Romanian prostitute.
Online website:
Ziare: Marturiile unei prostituate romance din Cartierul Rosu: Guvernul este pestele nostru cel mai mare
A combination of my interviews for The Nation, CollegeTimes and The Amsterdam Diaries, about the realities of Amsterdam's Red Light District.
Think Outside The Box: Felicia Anna, o prostituată română din Amsterdam, umanizează viaţa lucrătoarelor sexuale
A Romanian translation of my in depth interview for CollegeTimes, about my life as a prostitute in Amsterdam's Red Light District, informing people about the myths and misinformation about prostitution in Holland, and the situation prostitutes are in, giving some insight into the world behind the red lights.
Spanish Media:
El Condifencial: La normalización de la prostitución en Holanda es aún asignatura pendiente
An interview I did for the Spanish media about the exit program of Minister Opstelten for prostitutes in Holland.
Brazilian media:
Noticias: Legalização ainda não resolveu problemas da prostituição na Holanda
An interview I did for the Brazilian media about the exit program of Minister Opstelten for prostitutes in Holland.
The demonstration of prostitutes in Amsterdam:
On the 9th of April 2015, we (myself and PROUD) organized a protest against the closure of prostitution windows in Amsterdam, which are legal workplaces for prostitutes and where I work myself, of the municipality. We started the protest in the Red Light District with more than 200 sex workers and an additional group of supporters, and marched to city hall, where I personally handed over our list of demands to the mayor. The list of demands was supported by a petition signed by 414 sex workers from Amsterdam's Red Light District, a huge majority, and an additional 524 people signed the petition online. The local Amsterdam TV channel AT5 did a live broadcasting of the entire protest. Here is an overview of the media coverage on the demonstration:
Dutch media:
Dutch TV - Nieuwsuur (video)
Dutch TV - NOS Journaal (video)
Dutch TV - SBS6 Hart van Nederland - Big protest in Red Light District (video)
AT5 - Sex workers hand over petition to Van der Laan (video)
AT5 - About 200 prostitutes and supporters march against closure of brothels (video)
AT5 - News broadcast 9th of April (video)
NOS - Prostitutes protest in Amsterdam (video)
RTL Nieuws - Prostitutes protest against closing windows Amsterdam
RTV NH - Angry prostitutes: "Give us our closed windows back!" (video)
RTV NH - Prostitutes protesting against closure window brothels
Nu.nl - Prostitutes protest in Amsterdam against closure of windows
De Telegraaf - Prostitutes protest against closure windows (video)
De Telegraaf - Prostitutes 'storm' city hall (video)
De Telegraaf - "Change in approach scares investors away" (video)
Het Parool - Couple of hundred of prostitutes protest against closure window brothels
Het Parool - Prostitutes protest against closure windows (image gallery)
Volkskrant - Prostitutes protest against closure of windows in Red Light District
NRC - Prostitutes protest against closure of window brothels in Amsterdam (video)
NRC - In camera: Prostitutes protest against closure of window brothels in Amsterdam (image gallery)
NRC Handelsblad - "68 years Red Light District and not one case of abuse
NRC Next - Prostitutes protest against closure of window brothels in Amsterdam
Algemeen Dagblad - Prostitutes protest against closure of windows
Trouw - Prostitutes demonstrate at city hall Amsterdam
Metro - Prostitutes fight against municipality
Spits - Prostitutes Red Light District protest
Dichtbij.nl - Prostitutes protest against closure of windows
Zoomin.tv - Sex workers demonstrate in the Red Light District Amsterdam (video)
Vice.com - We walked with the biggest demonstration of prostitutes ever
International media:
Belgium TV - VTM: Protest against closure 'Walletjes' Amsterdam (video)
Belgium TV - RTBF: Les prostituées descendent dans les rues d'Amsterdam (video)
New Zealand TV - TVNZ ONE News: Amsterdam's sex workers protest over planned brothel window closures (video)
Frenh TV - BFM TV: Quartier rouge d'Amsterdam: les prostituées contre la réduction du nombre de vitrines (video)
Brazilian TV - Globo - Prostitutas fazem protesto contra o fechamento das vitrines de Amsterdam (video)
Romanian TV - Digi 24: Protest neobişnuit la Amsterdam (video)
Romanian TV - Antena 3: Prostituatele românce din Cartierul Roşu au ieşit în stradă pentru a-şi apăra locul de muncă (video)
Romanian TV - România TV: Protest în Cartierul Roşu (video)
Moldovan TV - ProTV: Protestul prostituatelor din faimosul Cartier Rosu. Acestea cer sa nu se inchida vitrinele (video)
Moldovan TV - Publika: Prostituatele au ieșit la protest! Ce le nemulțumește pe doamnele de companie (video)
Vice.com 'Save Our Windows!': Amsterdam's Plan for the Red Light District Pisses Off Sex Workers
The Huffington Post - Amsterdam's Prostitutes Protest Closure Of Their Windows (video)
The Huffington Post - Dutch Sex Workers Protest Planned Brothel Closures (video)
The Washington Post - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
The New York Times - Amsterdam Prostitutes Protest Closure of Their Windows
AP - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
Fox News - Amsterdam prostitutes protest against closure of sex workers' windows in Red Light District
Yahoo.com - Prostitutes protest closing Amsterdam 'window' brothels
Yahoo Sports - Prostitutes protest to preserve Amsterdam's Red Light District (video)
MSN.com - Prostitutes protest closing Amsterdam 'window' brothels
i24 News - Prostitutes protest closing Amsterdam 'window' brothels
Raw Story - Prostitutes protest closing Amsterdam 'window' brothels
Twin Cities.com - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
International Business Times - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of 'window' brothels
Inquisitr - Amsterdam Prostitutes Protest The Closure Of Window Brothels In The Red Light District
Salon - Amsterdam sex workers protest "clean up"of notorious Red Light District
CBS - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
ABC News - Amsterdam Prostitutes Protest Closure of Their Windows
U.S. News - Amsterdam prostitutes protest against closure of sex workers' windows in Red Light District
The Times - Amsterdam’s window prostitutes protest at closure proposals
Independent Online - Protests over red light district cleanup
CTV News - Prostitutes protest closure of windows in Amsterdam's Red Light District
Uproxx - Amsterdam Sex Workers Took To The Streets To Protest The Closing Of Their Red Light District Windows
Newsmax - Amsterdam prostitutes protest shuttering 'window brothels'
Knack.be - Protest tegen sluiting 'walletjes' in Amsterdam
SRF - Amsterdams Prostituierte kämpfen für ihre Fenster (video)
Deutsche Welle - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of 'window' brothels
Der Tagesspiegel - Protest gegen Schließung von Rotlicht-Schaufenstern
France 24 - Prostitutes protest closing Amsterdam 'window' brothels
ArkansasOnline - Prostitutes march to keep windows
South China Morning Post - Amsterdam prostitutes protest planned shutdown of brothel windows in red-light district
Yahoo Singapore News - Prostitutes protest closing Amsterdam 'window' brothels
News 24 Nigeria - Sex workers protest closure of brothel 'windows'
Daily Journal - Amsterdam prostitutes protest against closure of sex workers' windows in Red Light District
ABC 7News - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
ABC 6News - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
News.au - RUSH HOUR: The stories you need to know today
Newsday - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
Sun Herald - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
14News - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
The Globe and Mail - Amsterdam's Prostitutes Protest Closure Of Their Windows
The Rakyat Post - Prostitutes protest closing of Amsterdam's 'window' brothels
The Malay Mail - Prostitutes protest closing of Amsterdam ‘window’ brothels in red light district
Daily Bhaskar - Prostitutes Protest Closing Of Window In Amsterdam
Jezebel - Amsterdam's Prostitutes Demand to Advertise Sex In Windows
MassApeal - Amsterdam’s Prostitutes Protest Window Closures in the Red Light District
Malta Independent - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
Loop Jamaica - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows (video)
Reporter NTV - Protest în Cartierul Roșu: Prostituatele au ieșit în stradă pentru ca vitrinele să nu fie închise!
Observator - Protest inedit în Cartierul Roşu (video)
Metro France - Amsterdam : les prostituées dans la rue pour protester contre la fermeture des vitrines
El Comercio - Prostitutas de Amsterdam protestan contra el cierre de vitrinas (image gallery)
El Espectador - Prostitutas de Amsterdam se manifiestan contra el cierre de vitrinas
YouTube.com - Prostitutes protest against closure window brothels
YouTube.com - Zoomin.TV: Sex workers on the streets to save window brothels
YouTube.com - Zoomin TV: Prostitutes protest against closure of sex windows
YouTube.com - ZoominTV: Prostitutes protesten contra la clausura de vitrines
YouTube.com - Sex workers demonstrate in Amsterdam 9th of April 2015
YouTube.com - News: Prostitutes in Amsterdam protest in Red Light District
YouTube.com - Demonstratie meisjes van plezier via de wallen naar Eberhart v\d Laan
The Jojanneke Gate
Besides my interviews my blog has also repeatedly been mentioned by the media, regarding the claims of reporter Jojanneke van den Berge and the EO, that 70% of the window prostitutes would be forced. My blogpost (read here) in which I respond to these allegations has been shared by many different media. Here is a quick overview:
PinkBullets - Hoax: 70% van prostituees wordt gedwongen*
Frontaal Naakt - De EO doet een Ramesartje*
Seksblog.nl - Nederlandse hoeren zijn boos op Jojanneke en de EO*
glamOrama - Hoeren pisboos op Jojanneke*
De Telegraaf - Jojanneke van den Berge onder vuur*
SBS6 Shownieuws - Prostituees woedend over nieuwe programma Jojanneke*
EenVandaag - Prostituees boos op Jojonneke en de EO*
Roemeense hoerrr ontmaskert Perdiep Asscher*
Vertelt Jojanneke in de Prostitutie de waarheid?*
GeenStijl - Amsterdamse hoeren voeren actie tegen Jojanneke*
Dichtbij.nl - Bloggende prostituee maakt gehakt van Jojanneke*
*Articles are in Dutch
Other articles in which I'm being mentioned
GeenStijl - VET! Hoerenlopers worden amateurdetectives
NRC Handelsblad - You're not helping prostitutes with false claims about coercion
NRC Next - You're not helping prostitutes with false claims about coercion
De Telegraaf - Workplace
The protest of prostitutes in Amsterdam
The Jojanneke gate
Other articles mentioning me
Interviews with myself in the media
Besides writing on my blog about my experiences as a prostitute in Amsterdam's Red Light District, I also on occasion do interviews for various articles in the media to inform people about my job. Here's a list of articles that have been published in the media featuring myself:
English Media:
The Guardian: Amsterdam's sex workers: the unlikely victims of gentrification
Article featuring an interview with me about Amsterdam's Project 1012 to 'clean up' the Red Light District and the consequences for sex workers in the area.
The Nation: Should buying sex be illegal?
Online website:
CollegeTimes: Felicia Anna Humanizes The Life Of Sex Workers
In depth interview with website CollegeTimes, about my life as a prostitute in Amsterdam's Red Light District, informing people about the myths and misinformation about prostitution in Holland, and the situation prostitutes are in, giving some insight into the world behind the red lights.
Vice.com: Conservatives Are Angry That Dutch People Are Trading Driving Lessons for Sex
Interview with vice.com about the decision of Dutch parliament to allow driving instructors to accept sex in exchange for driving lessons.
The Amsterdam Diaries: Felicia Anna Interview
My first interview ever, about sex work in Amsterdam, and why I started my blog.
Dutch Media:
SBS6 - Hart van Nederland
News item with an interview with me about the occupation of window brothels in Amsterdam against the temporary closure of prostitution windows.
Het Parool: Amsterdam's Red Light District fears fight against all prostitution
This article is about the initiative of politicians to criminalize clients of prostitutes that visited forced prostitutes. In the article I give my opinion on this new initiative, and what the realities are in Amsterdam's Red Light District.
NRC Next: Happy Hooker
Article with myself about the wrong image of prostitution because of TV shows like 'Jojanneke in de Prostitutie', and how it comes that they register so many 'possible victims'.
de Volkskrant: Don't rescue us, give us rights
Article including myself, Roos Schippers en Hella Dee about sex workers' rights and the current problems of sex workers, how it's increasing human trafficking and how the law is not helping in this. Including an interesting overview of researches and estimations about coercion in prostitution.
(You can also read the article online for free on the website of Asha ten Broeke)
Metro - Prostitutes fight against municipality
An interview with myself and PROUD spokesperson Lyle Muns regarding the demonstration of prostitutes in Amsterdam's Red Light District against the closure of our workplaces behind the windows from the municipality of Amsterdam.
Volkskrant - Prostitutes protest against closure of windows in Red Light District
An article featuring myself, Spanish sex worker Deborah and Mariska Majoor chairwoman of PROUD, about the demonstration of prostitutes in Amsterdam's Red Light District against the closure of our workplaces behind the windows from the municipality of Amsterdam.
Online websites:
Polshoogte Magazine: Felicia Anna: "When I finish this work, I want to have a normal life"
In depth interview with me about my life as a prostitute in Amsterdam's Red Light District and my fight for more rights for sex workers.
Wij zijn de Wallen: “Prostituee zijn is voor mij de perfecte baan”
Interview about my experiences of working in the Red Light District in Amsterdam, and the misinformation regarding prostitution.
Romanian media:
Antena 1
Jurnalul National: EXCLUSIV. Viaţă de prostituată în oraşul XXX: “Cred că 30% dintre clienţii mei au parte, de fapt, de sex”
An exclusive in-depth interview about my experiences working in Amsterdam's Red Light District, mythbusting false information and explaining about the realities of prostiution in Holland.
Adevarul: Felicia Anna, prostituata româncă din Amsterdam care îşi apără colegele din Cartierul Roşu
A combination of my interview for The Nation with the interview I did for CollegeTimes, about the realities of working in Amsterdam's Red Light District as a Romanian prostitute.
Online website:
Ziare: Marturiile unei prostituate romance din Cartierul Rosu: Guvernul este pestele nostru cel mai mare
A combination of my interviews for The Nation, CollegeTimes and The Amsterdam Diaries, about the realities of Amsterdam's Red Light District.
Think Outside The Box: Felicia Anna, o prostituată română din Amsterdam, umanizează viaţa lucrătoarelor sexuale
A Romanian translation of my in depth interview for CollegeTimes, about my life as a prostitute in Amsterdam's Red Light District, informing people about the myths and misinformation about prostitution in Holland, and the situation prostitutes are in, giving some insight into the world behind the red lights.
Spanish Media:
El Condifencial: La normalización de la prostitución en Holanda es aún asignatura pendiente
An interview I did for the Spanish media about the exit program of Minister Opstelten for prostitutes in Holland.
Brazilian media:
Noticias: Legalização ainda não resolveu problemas da prostituição na Holanda
An interview I did for the Brazilian media about the exit program of Minister Opstelten for prostitutes in Holland.
The demonstration of prostitutes in Amsterdam:
On the 9th of April 2015, we (myself and PROUD) organized a protest against the closure of prostitution windows in Amsterdam, which are legal workplaces for prostitutes and where I work myself, of the municipality. We started the protest in the Red Light District with more than 200 sex workers and an additional group of supporters, and marched to city hall, where I personally handed over our list of demands to the mayor. The list of demands was supported by a petition signed by 414 sex workers from Amsterdam's Red Light District, a huge majority, and an additional 524 people signed the petition online. The local Amsterdam TV channel AT5 did a live broadcasting of the entire protest. Here is an overview of the media coverage on the demonstration:
Dutch media:
Dutch TV - Nieuwsuur (video)
Dutch TV - NOS Journaal (video)
Dutch TV - SBS6 Hart van Nederland - Big protest in Red Light District (video)
AT5 - Sex workers hand over petition to Van der Laan (video)
AT5 - About 200 prostitutes and supporters march against closure of brothels (video)
AT5 - News broadcast 9th of April (video)
NOS - Prostitutes protest in Amsterdam (video)
RTL Nieuws - Prostitutes protest against closing windows Amsterdam
RTV NH - Angry prostitutes: "Give us our closed windows back!" (video)
RTV NH - Prostitutes protesting against closure window brothels
Nu.nl - Prostitutes protest in Amsterdam against closure of windows
De Telegraaf - Prostitutes protest against closure windows (video)
De Telegraaf - Prostitutes 'storm' city hall (video)
De Telegraaf - "Change in approach scares investors away" (video)
Het Parool - Couple of hundred of prostitutes protest against closure window brothels
Het Parool - Prostitutes protest against closure windows (image gallery)
Volkskrant - Prostitutes protest against closure of windows in Red Light District
NRC - Prostitutes protest against closure of window brothels in Amsterdam (video)
NRC - In camera: Prostitutes protest against closure of window brothels in Amsterdam (image gallery)
NRC Handelsblad - "68 years Red Light District and not one case of abuse
NRC Next - Prostitutes protest against closure of window brothels in Amsterdam
Algemeen Dagblad - Prostitutes protest against closure of windows
Trouw - Prostitutes demonstrate at city hall Amsterdam
Metro - Prostitutes fight against municipality
Spits - Prostitutes Red Light District protest
Dichtbij.nl - Prostitutes protest against closure of windows
Zoomin.tv - Sex workers demonstrate in the Red Light District Amsterdam (video)
Vice.com - We walked with the biggest demonstration of prostitutes ever
International media:
Belgium TV - VTM: Protest against closure 'Walletjes' Amsterdam (video)
Belgium TV - RTBF: Les prostituées descendent dans les rues d'Amsterdam (video)
New Zealand TV - TVNZ ONE News: Amsterdam's sex workers protest over planned brothel window closures (video)
Frenh TV - BFM TV: Quartier rouge d'Amsterdam: les prostituées contre la réduction du nombre de vitrines (video)
Brazilian TV - Globo - Prostitutas fazem protesto contra o fechamento das vitrines de Amsterdam (video)
Romanian TV - Digi 24: Protest neobişnuit la Amsterdam (video)
Romanian TV - Antena 3: Prostituatele românce din Cartierul Roşu au ieşit în stradă pentru a-şi apăra locul de muncă (video)
Romanian TV - România TV: Protest în Cartierul Roşu (video)
Moldovan TV - ProTV: Protestul prostituatelor din faimosul Cartier Rosu. Acestea cer sa nu se inchida vitrinele (video)
Moldovan TV - Publika: Prostituatele au ieșit la protest! Ce le nemulțumește pe doamnele de companie (video)
Vice.com 'Save Our Windows!': Amsterdam's Plan for the Red Light District Pisses Off Sex Workers
The Huffington Post - Amsterdam's Prostitutes Protest Closure Of Their Windows (video)
The Huffington Post - Dutch Sex Workers Protest Planned Brothel Closures (video)
The Washington Post - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
The New York Times - Amsterdam Prostitutes Protest Closure of Their Windows
AP - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
Fox News - Amsterdam prostitutes protest against closure of sex workers' windows in Red Light District
Yahoo.com - Prostitutes protest closing Amsterdam 'window' brothels
Yahoo Sports - Prostitutes protest to preserve Amsterdam's Red Light District (video)
MSN.com - Prostitutes protest closing Amsterdam 'window' brothels
i24 News - Prostitutes protest closing Amsterdam 'window' brothels
Raw Story - Prostitutes protest closing Amsterdam 'window' brothels
Twin Cities.com - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
International Business Times - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of 'window' brothels
Inquisitr - Amsterdam Prostitutes Protest The Closure Of Window Brothels In The Red Light District
Salon - Amsterdam sex workers protest "clean up"of notorious Red Light District
CBS - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
ABC News - Amsterdam Prostitutes Protest Closure of Their Windows
U.S. News - Amsterdam prostitutes protest against closure of sex workers' windows in Red Light District
The Times - Amsterdam’s window prostitutes protest at closure proposals
Independent Online - Protests over red light district cleanup
CTV News - Prostitutes protest closure of windows in Amsterdam's Red Light District
Uproxx - Amsterdam Sex Workers Took To The Streets To Protest The Closing Of Their Red Light District Windows
Newsmax - Amsterdam prostitutes protest shuttering 'window brothels'
Knack.be - Protest tegen sluiting 'walletjes' in Amsterdam
SRF - Amsterdams Prostituierte kämpfen für ihre Fenster (video)
Deutsche Welle - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of 'window' brothels
Der Tagesspiegel - Protest gegen Schließung von Rotlicht-Schaufenstern
France 24 - Prostitutes protest closing Amsterdam 'window' brothels
ArkansasOnline - Prostitutes march to keep windows
South China Morning Post - Amsterdam prostitutes protest planned shutdown of brothel windows in red-light district
Yahoo Singapore News - Prostitutes protest closing Amsterdam 'window' brothels
News 24 Nigeria - Sex workers protest closure of brothel 'windows'
Daily Journal - Amsterdam prostitutes protest against closure of sex workers' windows in Red Light District
ABC 7News - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
ABC 6News - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
News.au - RUSH HOUR: The stories you need to know today
Newsday - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
Sun Herald - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
14News - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
The Globe and Mail - Amsterdam's Prostitutes Protest Closure Of Their Windows
The Rakyat Post - Prostitutes protest closing of Amsterdam's 'window' brothels
The Malay Mail - Prostitutes protest closing of Amsterdam ‘window’ brothels in red light district
Daily Bhaskar - Prostitutes Protest Closing Of Window In Amsterdam
Jezebel - Amsterdam's Prostitutes Demand to Advertise Sex In Windows
MassApeal - Amsterdam’s Prostitutes Protest Window Closures in the Red Light District
Malta Independent - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows
Loop Jamaica - Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of their windows (video)
Reporter NTV - Protest în Cartierul Roșu: Prostituatele au ieșit în stradă pentru ca vitrinele să nu fie închise!
Observator - Protest inedit în Cartierul Roşu (video)
Metro France - Amsterdam : les prostituées dans la rue pour protester contre la fermeture des vitrines
El Comercio - Prostitutas de Amsterdam protestan contra el cierre de vitrinas (image gallery)
El Espectador - Prostitutas de Amsterdam se manifiestan contra el cierre de vitrinas
YouTube.com - Prostitutes protest against closure window brothels
YouTube.com - Zoomin.TV: Sex workers on the streets to save window brothels
YouTube.com - Zoomin TV: Prostitutes protest against closure of sex windows
YouTube.com - ZoominTV: Prostitutes protesten contra la clausura de vitrines
YouTube.com - Sex workers demonstrate in Amsterdam 9th of April 2015
YouTube.com - News: Prostitutes in Amsterdam protest in Red Light District
YouTube.com - Demonstratie meisjes van plezier via de wallen naar Eberhart v\d Laan
The Jojanneke Gate
Besides my interviews my blog has also repeatedly been mentioned by the media, regarding the claims of reporter Jojanneke van den Berge and the EO, that 70% of the window prostitutes would be forced. My blogpost (read here) in which I respond to these allegations has been shared by many different media. Here is a quick overview:
PinkBullets - Hoax: 70% van prostituees wordt gedwongen*
Frontaal Naakt - De EO doet een Ramesartje*
Seksblog.nl - Nederlandse hoeren zijn boos op Jojanneke en de EO*
glamOrama - Hoeren pisboos op Jojanneke*
De Telegraaf - Jojanneke van den Berge onder vuur*
SBS6 Shownieuws - Prostituees woedend over nieuwe programma Jojanneke*
EenVandaag - Prostituees boos op Jojonneke en de EO*
Roemeense hoerrr ontmaskert Perdiep Asscher*
Vertelt Jojanneke in de Prostitutie de waarheid?*
GeenStijl - Amsterdamse hoeren voeren actie tegen Jojanneke*
Dichtbij.nl - Bloggende prostituee maakt gehakt van Jojanneke*
*Articles are in Dutch
Other articles in which I'm being mentioned
GeenStijl - VET! Hoerenlopers worden amateurdetectives
NRC Handelsblad - You're not helping prostitutes with false claims about coercion
NRC Next - You're not helping prostitutes with false claims about coercion
De Telegraaf - Workplace