prostitution there are many definitions being used for the same or different
things at times. It’s confusing, and that’s probably also exactly the idea by
the people that use this, since that way they can claim anything depending on
which definition you use. One of those definitions for example is human
trafficking, often people just refer to it as forced prostitution, which isn’t
correct, since human trafficking encompasses much more than just forced
prostitution. Human trafficking also encompasses exploitation, which doesn’t
have anything to do with being forced into prostitution. Yet people often use
trafficking numbers when they talk about forced prostitution, to prove how ‘bad’
the situation is. So let’s get some things straight to avoid confusion.
A pimp
people think:
A pimp
is someone who exploits or forces a prostitute. A pimp is a bad person and a
A pimp
is anyone who profits from a prostitute. This could be someone forcing or
exploiting a prostitute, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. There are
good pimps and bad pimps. Examples of good pimps are window owners, escort
agencies, even drivers and security guards are called pimps in the prostitution
going wrong?
when people often refer to a pimp, they actually mean to say a trafficker. But
because people are unaware of the difference between a pimp and a trafficker,
they use these two terms interchangeably. I also often refer to traffickers as
pimps, basically everyone in the Red Light District does, since nobody calls
their window owner a pimp, it just sounds so rude because of the negative vibe
hanging around the term, since people always use it to describe a trafficker
with it. Also the police themselves use the word pimp when they’re referring to a
trafficker, which causes the outside world to believe that the pimps are all
traffickers, which in reality is not the case at all.
A pimp
is a neutral term, there are bad pimps (traffickers) and good pimps (people
offering services to prostitutes that are legal). But since the word has such a
negative vibe surrounding it, and people often confuse it with a trafficker,
there are very few people who still use the word pimp as the neutral term,
and in fact are talking about traffickers.
also causes some problems in some discussions. You’ll often see people clashing
about pimps, and whether they’re good or not, because they’re using different
definitions of the word pimp. You’ll see one person using the neutral term of
pimp clashing with someone who’s actually talking about a trafficker. The use
of different definitions is often exploited by anti-prostitution people to
cause more confusion around the word, in order to make prostitution look more
bad than it in reality is.
A human
people think:
A human
trafficker is someone who traffics victims from one country to another country,
forcing them into prostitution against their will as sexslaves.
A human
trafficker is anyone that forces someone into prostitution against their will
OR exploits a prostitute. Human trafficking is by definition a crime.
going wrong?
think about the word ‘trafficking’ or ‘mensenhandel’ in Dutch, and they get the
image of a girl being trafficked to another country, or sold like a slave (the
Dutch word ‘handel’ literally means trading). The image is further enhanced by
movies and TV-series like for example Matroesjka’s or the movie Sex
Trafficking, which depicts a form of human trafficking, in which girls are
basically being abducted by criminals to be sold and forced to work into
prostitution. This image is what’s stuck in the people’s mind when they talk
about trafficking, and they don’t think about the fact that they are just
describing one specific form of trafficking.
encompasses any form of forcing someone into work, not just prostitution but
any type of work. Therefore trafficking is also not just related to
prostitution, but to many other industries as well, for example also agriculture,
or house holding. Trafficking also encompasses any form of exploitation, again
regardless of the industry type. Anyone who is being exploited in any industry
is a victim of human trafficking. There are many different forms of
exploitation, from heavy exploitation using violence, to people who exploit
other people using manipulation or simply taking advantage of their vulnerable
every time someone is talking about pimps as bad people, they’re not really
talking about pimps, but they’re actually just talking about traffickers.
Indeed a trafficker is also a pimp, but not all pimps are traffickers and therefore
not all pimps are bad people.
also often see me refer to traffickers as pimps, for the very simple reason
that this is how most people understand it. Most people think a pimp is a
trafficker, and I’m simply trying to connect to a broad audience using the
words they’re most familiar with. On top of that, in the Red Light District all
the girls themselves also refer to traffickers as pimps, since everyone thinks
it’s rude to call their office a pimp. Often also sex workers themselves don’t
know the difference, further creating more confusion about the definition. This
confusion is again what anti-prostitution people use to give a false image
about the problems in the prostitution industry.
people think:
A (often
Moroccan or otherwise immigrant) man who manipulates and forces a young (often
teenage) girl into prostitution in order to exploit her.
loverboy is a technique some traffickers use. Instead of forcing a girl with
violence into prostitution or forcing her with violence to exploit her, the
loverboy technique revolves around manipulation and scamming. They will make
the victim believe they are in love, and using that the loverboy will
manipulate her into exploiting the girl.
going wrong?
people think loverboys are targeting young naïve Dutch girls, but that’s not
true at all. Those type of loverboys are usually more the type of boys that
aren’t pushing girls into professional prostitution but rather illegal and unorganized forms of prostitution, and will often make those Dutch girls pretend to be part-time almost hobby prostitutes in illegal prostitution, which is not to mention that it's any easier or less violating to those girls.
The real loverboys are often Albanian guys, and they won’t manipulate a girl into prostitution, but they’ll rather try to seek out girls that are already doing this job in order to profit from their income as their ‘boyfriend’. Basically their technique is to seek out the more naïve sex workers, and make them believe they’re falling in love, in order to exploit them. They will try to convince the girls, by telling what a wonderful future they will have if they will safe up some money, and he will manipulate her into giving her money to him. Loverboys don’t use much violence, and will rarely ask directly to the girl for money, they will rather try to plant the idea in the girl’s mind to give her money to him, using manipulation.
The real loverboys are often Albanian guys, and they won’t manipulate a girl into prostitution, but they’ll rather try to seek out girls that are already doing this job in order to profit from their income as their ‘boyfriend’. Basically their technique is to seek out the more naïve sex workers, and make them believe they’re falling in love, in order to exploit them. They will try to convince the girls, by telling what a wonderful future they will have if they will safe up some money, and he will manipulate her into giving her money to him. Loverboys don’t use much violence, and will rarely ask directly to the girl for money, they will rather try to plant the idea in the girl’s mind to give her money to him, using manipulation.
loverboy is actually nothing more than a male version of a golddigger. Yet,
since we’re dealing with prostitution, new definitions had to be created to
brand prostitution in a more negative way. But really, a loverboy is exactly
the same as golddigger, but instead of a stunning blonde trying to rip of an
old guy for his inheritance, the male version is a smooth talking guy seeking
out women that make a lot of money in an industry that is very poorly protected
by the government.
loverboys are traffickers, but not every trafficker is a loverboy. And indeed
all loverboys are pimps as well, but again, not all pimps are loverboys by far.
A loverboy is nothing more than one specific type or form of trafficking. Basically a loverboy is nothing more than a profiteer, profiting of the income of someone else.
people think:
A girl
getting forced brutally into prostitution by a pimp, also known as human
prostitution is just one specific form of human trafficking. Not all human
trafficking is forced prostitution.
going wrong?
This is
probably the most used confusion used by anti-prostitution people. Almost 90% of the
times you’ll see people calling human trafficking forced prostitution, using
examples of forced prostitution, while referring to numbers and statistics of
human trafficking.
of course is, that forced prostitution is just one type of human trafficking,
and not the biggest one as well. Most forms of human trafficking are about
exploitation, and not forced prostitution. But using the statistics of human
trafficking, people will often try to paint a false image about prostitution
referring to this as ‘forced prostitution’, giving the most extreme examples of
forced prostitution, while using statistics about human trafficking.
people think:
a girl from one country into another country to force her into prostitution as
a sexslave to exploit her.
Any form
of forced labor or exploitation in any industry.
going wrong?
often think when they´re talking about human trafficking, only about
prostitution. But human trafficking doesn´t just happen in prostitution, but in
many other industries as well. Think for example about forced labor in India,
or exploited women working in clothing factories in Third World countries,
producing your H&M or Forever21 clothes.
trafficking is more than a prostitution problem, yet often you’ll see people
shouting there are millions of victims of trafficking and referring to
prostitution, as if that’s the only industry this is happening in. What people
also don’t realize is that often victims of human trafficking in for example
Cambodia or India are often ex-sex workers. They have been abducted from their
workplace by NGO’s to ‘save them from prostitution’ under the name of ‘fighting
human trafficking’. Vice recently made a documentary about these sex workers
who were abducted from their workplace by NGO’s.
The sex workers are given one choice after they are 'saved' or rather abducted from their workplace, which is either to go to jail for prostitution or work in a factory (talking about forced labor). Of course the choice is a no brainer, so the girls choose to work in a factory in favor of going to jail, only to try and escape at a later point to go back to their workplace in prostitution.
The sex workers are given one choice after they are 'saved' or rather abducted from their workplace, which is either to go to jail for prostitution or work in a factory (talking about forced labor). Of course the choice is a no brainer, so the girls choose to work in a factory in favor of going to jail, only to try and escape at a later point to go back to their workplace in prostitution.
problem with the term human trafficking on an international level, is the fact
that different countries use different definitions of trafficking. This causes
voluntarily working sex workers in some countries to be counted as victims,
while in other countries these sex workers are not seen as victims, causing an
incorrect image about both countries their real trafficking problems.
problem is that for example Sweden often treats victims as ‘illegal immigrants’,
which is the reason why Sweden has such low statistics on trafficking, not
because there really are such few victims, but rather because Sweden is trying
to hide this from the rest of the world in their defense of their ‘Swedish
comparing trafficking statistics from different countries is also useless.
Different countries use different definitions for the same things, cause a
false image.
As you
can see there are many definitions being used to describe different things, and
often the wrong definitions are used. Sometimes this happens unintentionally,
for example because of lack of knowledge. Other times it does happen
intentionally, and it’s a way of making prostitution look bad in the eyes of
the audience, in an attempt to further criminalize prostitution.
As I’ve
already wrote, I also often use the wrong definitions, but I do that
intentionally. Not to confuse people, but because I’m trying to connect with a
broad audience that is not always aware of the different definitions. So you’ll
often see me use the word pimp, while I in fact meant trafficker, but I simply
do that because that’s how people will recognize and understand it better. It’s
all just a way of communicating with my audience, and I’m pretty sure that
everyone understands exactly who I’m talking about. But it’s nice I guess to
clarify things for those people that are not aware of all these definitions,
and their different meanings.
Dutch version
Dutch version
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